
Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Cantamath W2

 Talofa lava everybody, his week some of us have been trying out for the cantamath team.

Since I have already talked about cantamath in the past math blog but this week we did something different.

Instead of trialling in teams we did it individually and we got given a sheet full of questions that we had to answer, some were much more challenging then others. Although I think it was good because I felt like I had a range of different questions to try and solve.

Have you ever tried cantamath?

Speech Writing #3

 Kia ora everyone, here is another part of my speech that I am currently writing.

I have picked one of my favourite paragraphs that I have written so far to share with you.

Here is is:

Let's make a difference, we can do this, from schools to parliament, let's make a wave of action and goodness to positively affect this world.Imagine living in a world where classrooms were stacked up with books and education was free.

Imagine living in a life where everybody had clear access to a bus or free transportation and there are multiple boarding schools throughout each city.

Imagine living in a world where every child or even just human, was able to go through life where they were taught properly and were guided well enough to provide help to the generation to come.

Hope you find that piece of writing interesting and maybe even a bit persuasive, but if you have any questions or feedback feel free to say in the comments.

What is one way you can think of that would help these problems?

Thursday, 13 August 2020


 Kia ora everyone, welcome to my blog.

So you may be wondering why I haven't been posting many maths blogs lately and that is because I have been working on cantamath for the past two weeks. 

One of the questions we had to figure out was:

What is the sum up to 50?

This got the whole class thinking but by the time people got to that question the timer ended and we all had to go back to the classroom. But me and a friend decided to prepare for questions like that and we came up with a way to solve questions like this a little faster.

Have you ever tried doing cantamath? Did you enjoy it?

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Cybersmart - Blog Comment Reaction

 Hola everybody.

Here is my cybersmart task. It is basically a comic strip about what some people may feel when they get a bad or good comment. (I did it about a bad comment)


What would you do in this situation?

Speech Planning - Part two

 Kia Ora everyone, here is my writing task done for this week. 

We basically had to just write the second paragraph for our speech. But I have now properly decided on what I am basing my speech on and it is - Making school affordable for everyone and decreasing the amount of poverty

Here is my Draft:


A strangely big number, am I right?

Could you imagine sitting there, not being able to move forward in life, because you know that your education was not efficient enough to give you a well deserved career?

Let me reiterate this number, 57,000,000, that's how many kids have to miss out on an education and a bright future. It's unbelievable to imagine that instead of being where you are today you could be like those people, sitting at home, looking for some leftover scraps in the cupboard, all because you weren’t qualified enough to get a proper, well paid job. 

Overwhelmed, that's how you should feel, listening to this, because I’m telling you now that this is one big, world wide challenge that needs all of us if something was going to even change the slightest.

Now, now is the time to change this, now is the time to realise that we are facing a huge crisis that will affect our future and the generation to come. You can make a change, put yourself out there and let people know that you are willing to help them.

Hope you like how I have started my plan, what are some more world wide problems that you could think of?

For Or Against - Space Exploration

Hello guys, here is my reading task for this week. 

Me and a partner read a book called Space Exploration and the book was kind of like a debate. One side of the debate is talking about how exploring space is a waste of money and they think that we should spend that money on medicine and looking for cures.

But then the other side of the debate said that they think that exploring space is needed and they also believe that one day it will save the world.

Goals: Use knowledge from text to combine with new ideas (own and others) to come up with new thinking

Make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts.

Here is our opinion:

Relationships with other texts:

I have found that usually debates like this have rhetorical questions. I’ve also found that the good arguments point out not only the bad things about the other side but the what people can benefit from their own.

My new thinking:

I think that when you are writing something like a speech or debate you need something to make the listener/reader think and that’s why you would want to put in some hard hitting rhetorical questions.

Thanks for reading my blog.

What do you think about this situation?

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Speech Planning - Equal Education

Hello everyone.

Here is my blog post and I am going to show you my current planning for my speech coming up.

(Also this is my task for Writing)

I am focusing on people's education and how unfair the costs are.

There are also lot's of little problems below so take a look:

Quality education

  • We do not have many people raising their hand to help out and tutor let alone teach.

  • Disabled people and people who are just struggling to learn are not getting enough attention

  • It is about improving people's lives and preparing them for a future, it has been proven that the quality of your education has a huge impact on your future career.

  • Volunteer to tutor

  • Raise awareness about how having an equal amount of education is important

  • We need to ensure that everybody has an opportunity to have a good education or even have an education at all.

Rhetorical Questions

  • A strangely big number, am I right?

  • Could you imagine sitting there, not being able to move forward in life, because you know that your education was not efficient enough to give you a well deserved career?


A strangely big number, am I right?

Could you imagine sitting there, not being able to move forward in life, because you know that your education was not efficient enough to give you a well deserved career?

Probably not, you may be sitting here wondering..

Thanks for looking at the start of my speech and I hope it shows you where I am hoping to head with this task.

What are some other things you could focus your speech on? (Another problem)

Robots - Reading Task

Kia Ora everybody, welcome back to my blog.

This time we were reading a book called Humans - An endangered species.
For our task we had to make a screencastify (With a buddy) about our real life connections towards the text and our opinion on what the author was trying to say.

Our goal was: Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts.Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and new thinking.

Finished Task:

(Only use that is the video doesn't work)

Do you think that we should keep making human robots?

Monday, 3 August 2020

Writing - Hansel & Gretel Plot 2

Hello everybody this is my writing blog for the week!

I have split the google drawing in half because I thought it would be easier to read that way.
Anyways this is my second part of the Hansel and Gretel story, I have tried to use some interesting vocabulary such as: 

"The room was giving me sour vibes."
"Melting marshmallows."

What do you think will happen next?

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Maths Task - Ratios

Kia Ora, here is my maths for the week!

We were doing ratios and I decided to do the second question. It was about tree stumps and how much they would cost with a discount.

I definitely know that I could've done this better and more efficient for example, I could've used Standard written form. 

Anyways here is my working:

Thanks for checking out my blog!!

What is the most recent strategy you have used and why?