
Thursday, 25 June 2020

Shapes & Nets - Maths Task

Hello everyone, here is my maths blog for this week.

We were learning about shapes and nets and I have been focusing on two different goals.

Goal 1)  Level 4 - Relate 3D models to 2D representations, and vice versa

Goal 2) Level 4 - Identify and sort 2D and 3D shapes into classes. Define the properties of the shapes and justify the decisions made.

For the first goal here is the link to what I needed to do: Link
a. Her net was right and I know because I tested it and it made what she wanted it to
b. I could also work in the shape below. (in the shape of a W)

a. Her half a net was correct and I managed to make it

This is the full net

Here is an icosahedron and I made a net below.

I made this one just forgot to take a picture so here is what it would've looked like...

Here is my next task:

What other things can you find in the shape of a cone that I have not already named?

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Making Connections - Reading Task

Kia ora everybody, thanks for coming to read my blog.

This week my goal for reading was to...
Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts.

To be honest, this DLO should explain the rest:

I read a book called: Once a Panther

Have you got any connections towards this topic?

And if not, what do you personally think about it?

Friday, 19 June 2020

Visual Languages - Writing DLO

Hello guys.
Thanks for looking at my blog.

Goal: Level 4 - Deliberately use written and visual language features when appropriate to enhance writing.

We were learning about visual languages and one I wanted to talk about on my DLO was about show not tell.

This should explain the rest:

Can you find another way to say: She bent down and tied up my shoelaces for me.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Visualising Senses

Kia ora!
For this weeks reading DLO we were talking about visualising senses.

Goal: Visualise using all of the senses, and talk about how this enriches meaning.

I did mine about the story wonder and I talked about how he was feeling and what the story made me picture.
Here is my follow up product:

What is another feeling that you think Auggie felt?

Geometry & Measurement #2

Hello everyone.
During this blog I am going to show you my maths DLO that I have been working on for this week.

I have been focusing on Geometry and Measurement, I have been carrying it on from last week.
Although I have been working on different goals such as perimeter and area.

Here is my DLO, hope you like it.  

(There wasn't really a certain goal for this.)

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog and I hope you are inspired to come back and see more.

What is the strategy for measuring a triangle?

Friday, 12 June 2020

Reading - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Hello and welcome to my blogging world.
This is where I share with you all of my learning weekly.
This time I am sharing with you my reading task and it was mainly about making a picture in your head from what you read.

The goal was: Level 4 - Visualise using all of the senses, and talk about how this enriches meaning.

I chose the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory text and here is what I pictured..

Thanks for looking at my blog, I hope you are keen to come back and look for more!

What else would picture being in this world?

How could you make it better?

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Maths DLO - Geometry and Measurement

Kia ora everyone.
Thanks for coming and checking my blog for the day, if you didn't already know I was working on geometry and measurement for my maths.

We didn't have one specific goal that we were working on because we had like seven different goals that we could choose to complete.
These are the types of ones I completed:

- Area
- Volume
- Temperature
- Mass
- Length

Anyways, here is my finished DLO - hope you enjoy!

I really enjoyed this task and I hope that I am able to green off quite a few goals from this DLO.

What is another thing that you could way in kg's?

Writing Ws - Complex Sentences

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog.
For this blog I would like to show you my writing task for this week.

The goal was...
Goal: Level 4 - Use some complex sentences that are grammatically correct.

Our focus was on complex sentences and I think this DLO will explain the rest.
Enjoy :)

I hoped you liked my blog post for this week, if you have any questions just feel free to comment down below.

Question: Can you find another five syllable word, or even a six syllable word? And what is it?

Friday, 5 June 2020

Narrative - Starting

Kia ora everybody, today I am going to present to you the start of my Narrative.
I have based it around a young girl named Lana.

Hopefully I will be able to give you the ending soon but for the start I would like you to help me picture what could come next it the story.

This wasn't really based on a goal so here you go:

The Painting 

“Lana,” called my mother, “Come here I’ve got something for you.”
I slowly plugged towards the kitchen with a very tired but curious look on my face then stopped half way and then shouted, “What is it?”
She replied with, “You’ll have to come into the kitchen to see.”
I wasn’t really expecting much considering that every other present she had given me were these really creepy dolls that would stare at me day and night. It would only take a few days until I threw it out without my mother noticing. Although as I finally got to the kitchen I saw my mum standing there carefully holding up an old antique painting, yet it had something strange about it that made me not sure whether I liked it or not.

She carefully handed it to me and I took it by the frame which was blanketed by dust and tiny bits of hair. As I took it back down the hallway to put it up on my wall I still had this strange feeling like something wasn’t right. 
Although as I was about to enter my room I heard my mother loudly explain, “I’ll buy a new frame soon so you’ll have to wait to change the frame tomorrow.”
“Fine,” I replied, actually feeling relieved because it was one less job for that day.

That night I couldn’t get to sleep, no matter how hard I tried. So had I just lay there, staring at the painting wondering what made it so different. Let me describe it to you, it almost looked like a magical rainforest. I could almost feel the wind created from the big leaves in the painting brushing against my skin and the raindrops dripping off the trees and onto my head. After a while of visualising I quietly dozed asleep but after a few hours I woke up to the deafening sound of a police car siren whizzing past my house. I turned my side light on to see what time it was on the clock, only to notice that the painting had changed. 
It wasn’t all bright and calming at all, it was more dangerous and mysterious, dark and scary and not a place I would like to be. 

As I slowly got up to take a closer look at the painting I had felt shivers down my spine and heard noises in my head saying, “don’t go, don’t touch it.” 

Yet again I had this urge to go towards it, like it was pulling me in. I finally had the guts to walk up towards it although as I was getting closer my heart beat louder. When I got to my destination I carefully put my hand out and began to stroke the painting but as I got half way through a violent and cold gust of wind came right at my face strongly pushing my bushy hair back. I closed my eyes trying to hold my position as the wind grew stronger and stronger until I couldn’t feel it any longer.......

That's the end for now, comment any ideas.

Where could she be?

Reading Books - Week 8

Hello everybody and thank you for coming to check out my blog.
For this blog I will be showing you my reading tasks that I did for this week

So the books I read for these tasks were...

Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory



And here are the tasks I did based off of these books:

Make a A-Z List

Make an A to Z list, using words from your text.

A. Atmospheric

B. Broadway

C. California

D. Drama

E. Experts

F. Facing

G. Galleries

H. Helped

I. Isn’t

J. Job

K. Kindred

L. Library

M. Many

N. Northern

O. Orthodontic

P. Put

Q. Quiet
R. Revolutionary

S. Some

T. Times

U. Use

V. Vampire

W. Went

X. x (Times/Maths)

Y. You're

Z. Zap

Thanks for reading my blog, if you have any questions feel free to ask it the comments.

What  is a word that starts with X?

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Maths Blog - Different strategy's

Kia ora everybody.
For my maths workshop this week my goal was...
Goal: Level 4 - Use an efficient strategy to solve a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers & decimals.

 Our task was to complete some strategies and then make a video showing how you completed only two of the strategies. We tried to use some methods that we had not used before or recently, one strategy that I used (that I don't use often) was standard written form.

Here is one of my video's from my workshop:

I hope this shows you a bit about doing the strategy of standard written form.

What is another strategy you could use for this question?

And what one do you think is more efficient?