Hey everyone, for this blog I will be showing you my writing task.
The goal was..
Goal: Level 4 - Use a variety of sentences structures, beginnings and lengths to give effect.
Hope you enjoy my story! :)
“I’ve never liked the beach, even the thought of it makes me shiver. The sand scraping and scratching your legs, the taste of sea salt in your mouth and even just the horrifying smell of BO mixed with sunscreen surrounding you.”
I just don’t get how people can stand to be around that, like, AT ALL. How can’t you hate having waves smashed into your face or have the feeling that a shark is going to aggressively bite off your leg out of the blue.
Anyway, I think my point has been heard, although I still don’t feel like it is being listened to, so let me tell you a story about the most traumatising experience of my life.
If you didn’t already guess, my name is Emma and I DON’T like the water. Here is one out of a million reasons why...
My brother's name is Eric, although if you looked at us you wouldn’t think we are siblings, if you heard us, you wouldn’t think we are siblings. But if you saw and heard us fight then you would straight away, ABSOLUTELY, think we are siblings.
So anyways, on with the story.
We were on our way to Eric's mid year surfing competition and I was not happy, even though I was eleven years old I was the most loud and obnoxious kid you would ever meet.
Looking back at it now I feel bad for my parents who had to put up with it for my whole life. We had finally got to the beach and I had finally given up because even my own ears couldn’t handle the noise.
Usually I would sit in the car for an hour and a half on my ipod and would have already snuck some food and lollies in my pocket beforehand. Although this time was different, I was so busy making such a big fuss about going that I had forgotten to bring all my food and electronics along with me.
I was really desperate to not let the food out on the beach sidetrack me from my mission which was to stay away from the beach at any cost because I could already feel the itchy sand on my legs and smell the horrible stench of the sunscreen.
I always thought that being able to stay away from the beach for the many years I had was a strength, (which it was) but turns out, besides my strengths there will always be a weakness, and mine was…..FOOD!!!
I had to think up the perfect way to go out there without my parents seeing me, but without thinking and in desperate need of food I ran, I ran and I ran and I RAN. I managed to grab a sausage without anyone noticing and then as I was sprinting back, to my luck I saw my brother Eric sprinting beside me. He grabbed my arm and took us both to a halt, trying to act pleasant he exclaimed, “you’re running the wrong way.” He managed to pull me all the way back to my parents and before I knew it I was in my togs about to get ready to learn how to surf on the other side of the beach.
“I was really nervous.” I mean I was being forced into my biggest fear of my life. Just to let you know I had already given up fighting, my arms had been aggressively pulled back and the rest of my body was getting dragged into the water. Although don’t get me wrong, I am probably over exaggerating and my parents did do this out of excitement.
Next thing I know I’m in the deepest water I have ever been in and had a humongous and strong wave coming right for me.
My heart was racing and my head was pounding, I almost felt like I was going to faint. But I woke up to the sound of my dad screaming at me to get on my board and start paddling back towards the wave. I turned with the thought of being able to swim back.
“By the way I have always been an average swimmer but obviously never had the confidence to do it.”
Anyways back with the story, so I had looked to see how far out I was but again my dad had interrupted my thoughts and shouted, “there’s no time, get ready!”
I flipped back around to see the wave rapidly coming towards me and started paddling, although, I was too late..
“THRASH,” a wave came trembling over my face, I couldn’t breath, I had all of a sudden swallowed a big gulp of water. My eyes were squinted, my arm and legs were struggling to grab a hold of my board. I finally have my board in my hands and attempt to tuck it under my legs, get my body on top of it with the water pushing me down. I managed to pull myself up on top of the water to take a breath and then lucky enough another wave comes, this time it’s so hard that it slammed my head onto my board and from there the rest of the story is a mystery.
Then the next thing I know, I am lying on the beach with my family surrounding me, lifeguards, and paramedics hovering over me.
And that's my story, I ended up getting over the faze of hating water though and am living a great life with a knowing fact, that life is a roller coaster, be prepared for anything.
Hope you liked it, thanks for reading.
Do you like the sea? Why or why not?
If you have any questions just comment down below.