
Thursday, 30 April 2020

Reading - Lest We Forget - Anzac

Hi guys and welcome to my first blog for the week.
For this week I had two goals and here they are:

1) Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important.
2) Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about.

We had four different texts to choose from, although two were for level 3 readers and two were for level  4. 

I decided to choose one from level four and the book I read was called Lest we forget. It's a story about Anzac day and I learnt about different men's experiences during/after the war, it was probably one of the most interesting Anzac books I've ever read.

Anyway, I had a few different tasks to choose from and templates to use but I chose this one. I chose this not only because I liked it but because I could put in my own thoughts on parts of the texts.

So here's my final product:

What's your favourite part about Anzac day?

Friday, 24 April 2020

Reading - Fake news

Hi guys, here's my reading task for this week.

So we have been learning about false news, we did some fun courses on line and looked at some pictures that made us choose whether they were real or false pictures.

Then we watched some videos and read some books that all relate to teaching us to know whether or not a website has true information.

Next we had to make an infographic about everything we learnt.
Here's mine:

What's another way you could spot a fake article?

Credit to...
Fake news picture
Spell check
Date & time

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Writing - Revising and editing

"Hey bloggers."
For the writing task from this week our goal was....
Revise and rework writing for clarity, impact and purpose. proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

To complete this task I watch quite a few videos and it they really help me understand the true meaning of even the simplest punctuation.
While doing this I learnt about revising and editing, I even learnt about the phrase ARMS. I have written about that down below in my DLO.

Next we had to edit a paragraph in our PBL reports to make it better and more interesting to read. We also just had to overall make sure that we were using the best possible types of punctuation.

I have written down 3 thing that I have learnt and/or think are important when writing or revising.
Here is my DLO:

What's another thing that is important when it comes to writing?

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Maths T2 W2 Statistics/Graph/Data

Hello everyone, thanks for coming to check out my blog.
This is my maths task for this week.
Our goal was to...
Goal: Complete a statistical investigation by collecting, discussing and displaying data.
We were given two different choices to base our graph on, there was NZ Covid 19 cases or yr 7/8 data.
I chose yr 7/8 data and from the data that was given to me, I chose to do it on the genders and eye colours. Here is the result from my data:

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post and I hope you come back for more in the future!!

What's your eye colour?
What's another thing I could of based my data on?

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Reading - Making Connections

Hello everybody.
For this weeks reading task my goal was:
Making connections between texts, using more sophisticated texts.

To complete this goal we had to pick two stories from the selection of around nine that were given. After that we were just told to lightly skim across the words and just pick up the sentences that you need to answer the question.

We did this because we didn't want to spend our whole time reading two full stories when really we only need a couple of sentences.

Here's my work:

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you are encouraged to come back and see more of my learning at St Francis of Assisi School.

What do you already know about the treaty?

How do you think it has effected our lives today?

Punctuation DLO - Writing

To my first writing blog of TERM 2.
In my writing workshop we have been looking at more complex punctuation such as those extra things like dashes and semicolon's. And although part of it was about that, other parts of it was about just remembering the simple things like full stops and capital letters, reminding us what their use is and how their so important.

We all watched a few videos out of the selection we had and then hat to change some sentences punctuation from our information report.

Our goal was: Attempt more complex punctuation

Here's my working:

I hoped you enjoyed this blog post, make sure you come back to see more fun learning!!

Why do you think trying more complex punctuation is important?

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Maths Task Tessellations

Hi guys, I'm so glad to be back and be doing some online learning!!
So the first task I have completed for this week has been my maths task, therefore that's what I would like to show you in this post.

As you may know from the title, we have been introduced to Tessellations. Our goal is:
Goal: Identify and use the features of a figure that do not change (invariant properties) as it is reflected, rotated, translated or enlarged.

We had to watch some videos to get the right understanding about what tessellations really were and the rules that go along with them.
A tessellation is a shape that can be repeated by itself and connect with no gaps. The three rules for tessellations are:
1. Translation
2. Rotation
3. Glide reflection
Basically you have to have on of these rules in your shape if you were to create a tessellation. So the shape must be able to connect with itself.

We also used Jamboard to answer some questions and gather together what Tessellations really means.

Here is my Tessellation:

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you come back for more.

What are some other shapes that could make a tessellation?