
Friday, 5 July 2019

PBL Reflection

Hello everyone.
For this post I will be sharing with you my PBL reflection.
As you probably know I did a poetry slam for my PBL (How can we speak up against discrimination. Here is my own self reflection:

I personally think me and my buddie dd a great job but there were some things that we needed to fix up. I feel as if we were too nervous and that we sought of freaked out so we just  sought of stood there and didn’t really use a lot of body language. I think that the poetry slam introduction and conclusion was very good but we just needed some more smoother transitions. I know that we had put show not tell in the script because I did a workshop on it and now I think that it really paid off. I also think that throughout the term we could’ve been more focused. I feel like we  didn’t really get the things we planned done because we knew that we were sought of behind schedule but in conclusion it all worked out and I think we did a great job.

(PBL Stands for Project, base learning).

Do you do PBL at your school?

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