
Tuesday, 19 March 2019

#ChooseKind T-shirt Designs

This term our school has been focusing on choosing kind and one way we have presented that is through our t-shirts that we have designed. What happens is that each house colour group (Red Yellow Green and Blue) split up into groups throughout those group and we designed some Kindness T-shirts. Each house group chooses one T-shirt that they will make real.
This is mine:
The way you can get a T-shirt is bye a teacher or a peer mediator seeing you choosing to be kind. They will write your name on a peace of paper and they will put you into a draw to win one of these T-shirts.

- If you have a house group at your school what group are you in?
             - I've written my school values on my T-shirt what are your school values?

Thanks For Reading

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